Nora Roberts American Romance Collection


The follwing lists alphabetically each of the authors initally featured in the collection. Links direct to either the author's webpage, or another page where you can learn more about that author's works. Pseudonyms are denoted in italics.

Other Authors

The Nora Roberts American Romance Collection, established in 2011 and housed in Hoover Library at McDaniel College, is comprised of novels written by important romance writers of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. The collection began with a core group of American Romance authors recommended by expert and scholar Dr. Pamela Regis. While the current mission of the collection has shifted to focus on RITA Award winners and RWA Lifetime Award recipients, these additional authors comprise an equally important part of the existing collection, and are listed here.

Banner background: "Vintage Romance Novels" by Stephen Coles, used under CC BY / Modified from original