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*Economics & Business: Business Resources

Selected Websites

  • Arthur Andersen Case Studies in Business Ethics (Carnegie Mellon, Tepper School of Business, United States)
    A collection of 85 mini & 9 major cases (with teaching notes) dealing with business ethics in the areas of accounting, finance, management and marketing. Produced in cooperation with over 520 institutions including McMaster University between 1987-1994. 
  • Business Case Studies
    Browse over 600 business cases by category or by company.  Worldwide coverage.
  • The Case Centre: Free Cases
    Includes "free cases produced by a number of prominent schools and organisations across the globe. You must be registered and logged in to their website to access free cases. Once logged in you can use the 'show only items in the free case collection' tick box on our product search to search all free cases." Worldwide coverage.
  • CLEO (Curriculum Library for Employee Ownership) Free Case Studies (Rutgers School of Management and Labor Relations, United States) 
    Case studies related to employee owned companies.
  • Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Case Bank (Daniels Fund, United States)
    Cases present real-world ethical challenges designed to prompt reflection and discussion.
  • Ethics Unwrapped: Cases (McCombs School of Business, The University of Texas at Austin, United States)
    "More than 50 case studies match ethics concepts to real world situations. From journalism to performing arts to foreign policy to scientific research to social work, these cases explore a range of current and historic ethical dilemmas, their motivating biases, and their consequences. Each case includes discussion questions, related videos, and a bibliography for further reading."
  • IBIMA Business Review (IBIMA Publishing)
    A peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes case studies in all business fields.
  • Journal of Business Case Studies (JBCS)
    Includes case studies designed for use in business and economics courses and articles related to the use of case studies in the classroom.
  • Journal of Business Cases and Applications (JBCA)
    Includes cases and exercises developed for classroom use in any area of business education. ​​
  • Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE)
    Includes teaching cases and notes (upon request) that focus on information systems.
  • Markkula Center for Applied Ethics (Santa Clara University, United States)
    Contains case studies and scenarios on a variety of fields in applied ethics including business ethics, leadership ethics, and more.
  • The MENA Journal of Business Case Studies (IBIMA Publishing)
    International peer reviewed journal that focuses on various business areas, corporations and organizations in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region.
  • MERLOT Materials > Business > Case Study
    The Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching includes case studies contributed by educators worldwide. Filter by discipline, audience and other criteria. Most materials are available at no cost.
  • MIT Sloan School of Management Case Studies (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States)
    Includes both free and fee based cases. Search or browse for cases in the following categories: Entrepreneurship, Leadership/Ethics, Operations Management, Strategy, Sustainability, and System Dynamics.
  • New York Times Case Studies [archived link] 2009-2014.
    The case studies address challenges confronted by small business owners. Options and decisions are included. U.S. coverage.
  • SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) Cases (Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, The Netherlands)
    Cases discuss the challenges, dilemmas and contributions of businesses using the UN Sustainable Development Goals as a framework.
  • SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management): Case Studies, United States
    Case studies on a specific HR related topic or challenge faced by an organization. Instructor resources and student workbook are included.
  • Social Innovation & Social Entrepreneurship: Case Studies & Case Videos (Portland State University, The School of Business, United States)
    Cases on social entrepreneurship and sustainability written by Portland State University faculty, staff, and students.
  •  World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), Switzerland
    Includes environmental and sustainability themed case studies.
  • Yale School of Management: Free Cases (Yale School of Management, United States)
    Free cases written by faculty at Yale.

Source:  "Financial literacy: a primer for librarians, educators, and researchers" by Stephanie P. Livengood and Kathryn L. Venditti. C&RL news, vol. 73, no. 2 (Feb. 2012), p.88-91.

AAA: American Accounting Association

AICPA: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants issues auditing and other standards for the profession, most particularly the Statements on Auditing Standards

FASAB: Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board.

FASB: The Financial Accounting Standards Board sets authoritative standards for the US private sector.ederal Accounting Standards Advisory Board.

GASB: The Governmental Accounting Standards Board sets authoritative standards for US government accounting.

IASB: International Accounting Standards Board (part of the IFRS Foundation) is the leading promulgator of international accounting standards.

IFAC: International Federation of Accountants

IMA: Institute of Management Accountants publishes Statements on Management Accounting

PCAOB: Public Company Accounting Oversight Board was created by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and establishes auditing and related attestation, quality control, ethics, and independence standards and rules to be used by registered public accounting firms.

SEC: Securities and Exchange Commission administers and enforces the securities laws of the United States including issuing rules and releases regulating financial reporting of public companies. EDGAR documents available at this site

  • Dow Jones Averages
    Explanations and latest readings of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, DJ Transportation Average, DJ Utility Average, and the DJ 20 Bond Average, as well as recent dividends and stock splits of companies in the averages. Can also find the high, low, close, and component listing at market close for Dow Jones Averages from May 26, 1896 to present. Historical charts from 1895 to present are also available.  
  • The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco:  Educational Resources
  • Online Financial Services Fact Book - "Unique and comprehensive guide with more than 350 graphs and charts on insurance, banking, securities and financial services as a whole, including mortgage financing."
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