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Library Policies: General Policies

General Use Guidelines

The Hoover Library is open to the public, but its primary mission is to support the students and faculty of McDaniel College.  For information about borrowing privileges, see Circulation Policies at

All library users must cooperate to maintain an atmosphere conducive to research and study. Hoover Library provides areas for study, consultation, and accessing library resources as well as related library activities. Given the library’s mission, activities that interfere with these purposes or cause a distracting environment, including (but not limited to) unauthorized assembly, will not be allowed.  If individuals or groups create a distracting environment in the building and do not respond to requests to address the problem, they may be asked to leave.  Repeat offenders may be banned from future use.

Please assist us by observing the following use policies:

  • For general public access to computers in the Hoover Library Commons, guests may request a username and password at the Research and Technology Help Desk or at the Circulation Desk.  Guests who wish to print while in the Commons should clarify at the time of the request and provide a valid photo ID and phone number or email address.

*All guest access ends at 9 p.m. the day of the visit.

  • Pornography and gaming sites are not to be accessed on Library computers or while using the Library’s wireless connection.
  • Cell phone use is limited to the Entrance Lobby and the stairwells in the Library.
  • Students have priority for the use of group study rooms.
  • Smoking of any kind, including e-cigarettes and all other electronic smoking devices, is not permitted in Hoover Library or within 25 feet of the building.
  • If Library equipment (computers, photocopiers, etc.) is malfunctioning, please ask the IT Help Desk or Library staff to address the issue or for assistance.
  • Take-out food cannot be delivered to the Library (such as pizza or other types of delivery). All beverages must be in a covered container.  Make sure to dispose of any trash in the proper receptacles, and if a spill occurs, please inform Library staff immediately.
  • Please keep all walkways clear of personal items and power cords to avoid possible tripping hazards.  Personal belongings should never be left unattended.
  • Treat library facilities and equipment with care.  Please refrain from moving heavy furniture as this can damage carpet and the furniture.  If any furniture is moved, kindly return it to its original location when finished.
  • Children under the age of 12 must be supervised by an adult. If a disruption occurs, you may be asked to move to an available study room.  If there are no rooms available, or if the disruption continues, you and your child may be asked to leave the building.
  • Distributing posters, flyers, or other materials, or posting anything in or on the Library is not permitted, except for on the bulletin boards located next to the vending machines on the 1st floor and between the restrooms on the L floor.  Only Library staff are authorized to post or distribute anything in or on the building.
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