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Linking to Library Resources: Films on Demand

Films on Demand

Select the video or video segment you want to embed.

  • To link to the video (recommended):
    1. ​​Click the "Embed/Link" link below the video.
    2. Copy the Record URL.
    3. Paste the URL into Blackboard - no proxification is required.
  • To embed the video: Your students will be prompted from within the video player to log in to view the video from off-campus. 
    1. Follow step 1 above.
    2. Select the video size, and then copy the embed code. Students will need to authenticate from within the video player to view the video from off-campus.
    3. Follow the instructions in Blackboard for embedding the video - no proxification is required.


NOTE that you will want to verify that the item still exists before each term -  library subscriptions to electronic items are not always permanent. If the video you are using has disappeared, contact the library to investigate other means of accessing that item.

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