Example 1: Journal Article
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According to the ecological perspective, you must consider the interaction of all elements (body type, motivation, temperature, ball size) to understand the emergence of a motor skill (kicking) (Roberton, 1989).
Entry in References List
Roberton, M.A. (1989). Motor development: Recognizing our
roots, charting our future. Quest, 41, 213-223.
Example 2: Book
In-Text Citation
Any individual we might observe is more likely to be above or below average, or to achieve a milestone earlier or later than average, than to be exactly average. In addition, children can arrive at the same point in development by very different pathways (Siegler & Jenkins, 1989).
Entry in References List
Siegler, R.S., & Jenkins, E.A. (1989). How children discover new
strategies. Erlbaum.
Examples from: Haywood, K.M., & Getchell, N. (2005). Life span motor development. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.