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*Kinesiology (Exercise Science): For Graduate Students

Want to Search Databases Off-Campus?

To access our databases from off campus, follow these steps:

  1. Select the database from our A-Z Database List or from one of our Research Guides

  2. On the Off-Campus Login page, enter your McDaniel Username and Password - the same ones you use for Blackboard or your McDaniel email

  3. Click on Login

  4. You will now be logged in and can continue searching as if you were on campus.


Trying to log in from work?

Most businesses, including schools, have firewalls which prevent access to our proxy server. If you are unable to log in from your workplace, please try from home. If you are still unable to log in, please let us know

Other Information & Services


You'll need a McDaniel College ID card in order to check out books from Hoover Library.  The ID Office is in the Research & Technology Support Center on the first floor of the Library.

Phone number:  410-857-2730

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