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Online Library Instruction

Tools, resources, and strategies for adding library instruction sessions to the online learning environment.

Links You Can Post in Blackboad

The following library instruction options were created for ENG1101 (Introduction to College Writing), as those courses traditionally include a library session. That said, these resources can work in any course as a general review of how to conduct library research, and you should feel free to use them.

All the resources on this page are OER and, as such, do not need to be linked through the the library proxy server; simply copy and paste.

However, if you need library instruction specific to your subject area, do not hesitate to reach out and let us know via our Instruction Request Form; we will be happy to work with you.

NOTE: The InfoRhode tutorials are the most user-friendly option for students with limited technology (connecting to the internet via their mobile phone) and/or WiFi access.

ONE MORE THING: If you use one or more of these resources, please help us continue to help you by completing this brief survey. We'd really appreciate it. (Think of it as the library instruction request form - only after the fact.)


Useful Worksheets

These are worksheets we often hand out in face-to-face library instruction. Feel free to include them in your Blackboard course site.

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2 College Hill, Westminster, MD 21157
Phone 410.857.2281

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