ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier) is an international, interdisciplinary, open, non-profit organization. It aims to maintain a registry of persistent unique researcher identifiers and a transparent method of linking research activities and outputs to these identifiers. ORCID can be used across all disciplines and all countries.
Obtaining an ORCID identifier is free of charge to individuals. The ORCID Registry can be used to manage your record of academic activities, receive ORCID updates and to search for others in the Registry.
ORCID can be linked to a Scopus Author Identifier to improve attribution within Elsevier's Scopus and SciVal databases.
ORCID is also working on expanding its integration with ResearcherID (Thomson Reuters) to allow for the exchange of publication data between the two systems. This integration will allow users to push more information into their publication list, and in turn, continue to improve disambiguation in the database Web of Knowledge.
You can find out more about ORCID on the ORCID website or this article:
REED, Robyn B.. ORCID: Author Identifiers for Librarians. Pennsylvania Libraries: Research & Practice, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 2, p. 107-116, oct. 2017. ISSN 2324-7878. Available at: <http://www.palrap.org/ojs/index.php/palrap/article/view/148>. Date accessed: 01 nov. 2017. doi:https://doi.org/10.5195/palrap.2017.148.
To see what an ORCID profile looks like, click the link under David Brennan's picture (or: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3698-6794) To see all public ORCID records with McDaniel as an affiliation, click here.
Click here to view an ORCID flyer that you can print and post.
Here's how having an ORCID iD can help you get credit for all of your research:
Just one ID
And we do mean all
Am I J. Smith, J. A. Smith, or Jane Ann Smith?
Today McDaniel, tomorrow the world!
Submit a manuscript or apply for a grant a grant
Save time, save keystrokes
ORCID users can set certain information to "private"—including their IDs. Learn more about ORCID Privacy Settings.
When it comes to publishers and funding agencies, ORCID does not restrict with whom it works. ORCID’s goal is to work with all such entities in order to connect you and your research and to make your scholarship highly discoverable through many different platforms and systems.
The information in your ORCID Record—positions held, articles published, grants received, e-mail addresses, organizations affiliated with—is non-sensitive and available from other, public sources.
Before ORCID was created, some database vendors, including Web of Science (Clarivate) and Scopus (Elsevier), attempted to identify scholars' specific works and distinguish them from other authors with similar names. These services are now compatible with ORCID. More importantly, ORCID iDs are used more widely.
ORCID iDs are:
Showcase your accomplishments
Help others find your thesis or dissertation
Let’s collaborate
Submit a manuscript or apply for a grant a grant
Save time, save keystrokes
Just one ID
And we do mean all
Am I J. Smith, J. A. Smith, or Jane Ann Smith?
Today McDaniel, tomorrow the world!
McDaniel College
2 College Hill, Westminster, MD 21157
Phone 410.857.2281