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Construction Closure

Hoover Library and the McDaniel Archives Reading Room will be closing for construction from Monday, 12/16/24, reopening Wednesday, 1/22/25. The librarians and all virtual resources and services will be available throughout the closure. More information about the project is here. For specific questions, contact Elizabeth Davidson. For information on holiday hours, please see our hours page.

How to do Library Research: Find Books

Library Catalog Search

Find Books & DVDs:

Where to Begin

You can find the books you are looking for by locating the tag on the end of each book shelf that indicates the number range of the books on that shelf. So, if you are looking for books on civil rights, for instance, just find the book shelf that contains books in the 323s.

book shelf tag

Hoover Library eBooks and eBook collections

The Hoover library has five main collections of eBooks that are listed in the catalog. Each eBook collection has different ways of displaying content and different restrictions on what can be done with it. Use the Help links to learn more about the specifics of using each collection. These collections are a mix of titles that have been individually purchased by the library and titles that are part of a larger subscription package.

For eBooks that are part of a database, on a specific topic, or for leisure reading, see the "eBooks on the Web" tab. eBooks can also be found when searching in Research Starter.


Additional Information

More information on finding and using Ebooks is available on our Electronic Books guide.

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