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How to do Library Research: Developing a Search Strategy

Useful Brainstorming & Mindmapping Tools

Formulate a Search

Narrowing Your Research Topic

One of the most challenging parts of doing research is picking a topic and then narrowing that topic to something manageable. Sometimes it can be frustrating and overwhelming. Luckily there are strategies that will help you narrow your topic.

1. Find out some general information on your topic by using websites, encyclopedias, Wikipedia, and other resources that might give you ideas of ways you can narrow down larger subject areas into manageable research topics.

2. Once you have some ideas of different topics or areas you can focus on, it's helpful to brainstorm by writing down as many terms as you can think of related to your topic.

3. After brainstorming it will be easier to identify aspects of your topic that you can focus on.

4. You can also narrow your topic by asking questions like, who, what, when, where, and why.

Narrowing Your Topic (video)

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