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McDaniel Votes: Voting & Election Questions Answered

Questions About Voting & Elections?

In Fall 2020, a team of faculty and staff took questions from all members of the McDaniel Community through a questionnaire and shared the answers daily in the campus announcements and social media. The videos are included here for additional ease of access.

Have a question? Fill out the quick questionnaire here

Question #1

What to do if you requested a mail-in ballot and didn't receive it in time

Question #2

What is voter intimidation, and what should I do if I experience it or see it happening to someone else at the polls?

Question #3

If the US got rid of the Electoral College and moved to a national popular vote, would Maryland get more campaign attention?

Question #4

In what ways might the Supreme Court influence the election?

An Election Day Message

Dr. Bryn Upton of the History Department has this important message to share about the importance of voting, the historic nature of this election, and why we shouldn’t expect a final count of the votes by the end of tonight.
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