David Brennan is Library Director at the Hoover Library, McDaniel College. He received a BA in Communications from Gannon University, and his MLS from the University of Pittsburgh. He began at McDaniel as the Head of Technical Services and E-Resources Librarian. Prior to coming to McDaniel, he was Collection Development/Digital Resources Management Librarian at the George T. Harrell Health Sciences Library, Penn State Hershey, and the Electronic Services Librarian, Clifford E. Barbour Library, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. He began his professional career at St. Francis Medical Center (Pittsburgh) as Director of the School of Nursing Library, later as Director of Library Services. His experience and research has concentrated on library operations and management, collection development, systems, and electronic resources. He has presented at the Charleston Conference, the Pennsylvania Library Association, the Medical Library Association, the Towson Conference for Academic Libraries (TCAL), and the Congress of Academic Library Directors (CALD/MD).