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New Student Orientation Programming: Fall 2022: 2000s Channel Chasers

Fall 2022 New Student Orientation: Channel Chasers

Fall 2022 Orientation Programming

Can't make it to the in-person Open House?

Complete the virtual version here any time between 9/8/22 and 9/28/22 instead!

The Green Terror is stuck in the world of 2000s TV, and they need your help to get out! Chase down the magic remote that will free them by completing activities based on popular 2000s cartoons, like The Fairly Oddparents and The Proud Family.

In this virtual Open House, you will travel to four key locations in Hoover Library where you will complete an activity related to finding information materials, exploring the archives, evaluating sources, and crafting keywords in databases. Once you have completed all the activities, you will submit the Google Form to be entered in the raffle to win an Outdoor Fun Prize Package (including hammock)!


Access the virtual version at the link above or access it below AFTER the in-person version has finished on 9/8.

Virtual Channel Chasers Open House

HooverLib Open House: Channel Chasers

Thursday, September 8th
Hoover Library Skybox, 1B & Wahrhaftig (back of 1st floor)

The Green Terror is stuck in the world of 2000s TV, and they need your help to get out! Chase down the magic remote that will free them by completing activities based on popular 2000s cartoons, like The Fairly Oddparents and The Proud Family.

Your mission begins at the welcome table in the HooverLib Skybox (at the back of the 1st floor) where you will receive your Activity Checker--keep track of this because you will turn it in to enter the raffle for the Outdoor Fun Prize Package which includes a hammock! Complete all four activities--and grab some nostalgic snacks along the way--and head back to the welcome table to turn in your Activity Checker/raffle entry.

The Open House should take you approximately 30 minutes to complete, depending on how quickly you complete each activity and whether you do so individually or with a partner or small group. You may participate as many times as you like, but only one raffle entry per person is allowed. The raffle prize winner will be announced after the virtual adventure finishes on 9/28.

If you have any questions or need to request accommodations, please contact Tanner Lewey (

Snack, Swag, and Chat with HooverLib
Thursday, August 18th
11am - 2pm

Visit the table outside the Hoover Library entrance once you're unpacked to meet the librarians and library staff. Find out about services and resources available through the Library, take a self-guided tour of the building, and grab some free swag and snacks!

Above: Librarians Tanner Lewey and Marcey Jastrab welcoming students on move-in day outside the library (Fall 2021). We had lots of free HooverLib and Vendor swag to give away and Researcher ID badges to promote our Open House event, Jurassic Lib.

Involvement Fair
Wednesday, August 31st
4-7pm in Red Square and ANW Quad

Visit our table at the campus-wide Involvement Fair. We'll have all kinds of swag and goodies to give away, including giveaways to get you excited about our Open House, Channel Chasers!

Above: Librarians Tanner Lewey and Loretta Spangler interact with students at the campus-wide Involvement Fair (Fall 2021). We had lots of free HooverLib and Vendor swag to give away and Researcher ID badges to promote our Open House event, Jurassic Lib.

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