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New Student Orientation Programming: Past New Student Orientation Programming

NSO Fall 2021: Jurassic Park

Jurassic Lib Open House

Wednesday, September 15th
Hoover Library Rotunda (entrance)
9am-11am, 1pm-3pm, OR 6pm-8pm

(Attend anytime during the time frame of your choice!)

InGen, the company behind Jurassic Park and Jurassic World are working on a new, vital research project, and they've asked Hoover Library and its students to help them complete it! As guest researchers at this temporary InGen research facility, students will complete four activities related to the creation of a new breed of dinosaur, the Herbiesaurus Rex!

Your research project begins at the Welcome table in the Hoover Library rotunda where you will receive your Research Log and directions to the first two activities. If you're not sure where to go, just follow the dino footprints to the Presidential Board Room (2nd floor) and then Conference Room 1B (1st floor). Once you have completed all four activities, head back to the welcome table in the Rotunda to turn in your Research Log!

Be sure to include your name and email address on your Research Log so you will be entered in the raffle to win a portable mini photo printer! Also remember that the first 50 in-person attendees will receive a free t-shirt!

These activities should take you approximately 30-45 minutes to complete, depending on how quickly you complete them and whether you do so individually or with a partner or small group. You may participate as many times as you like, but you may only receive one raffle entry and one free t-shirt per person.

Can't make it to the in-person Open House?

Complete the virtual version here any time between 9/15/21 and 9/30/21 instead!

InGen, the company behind Jurassic Park and Jurassic World are working on a new, vital research project, and they've asked Hoover Library and its students to help them complete it! As guest researchers at this temporary InGen research facility, students will complete four activities related to the creation of a new breed of dinosaur, the Herbiesaurus Rex!

In this virtual Open House, you will travel to four key locations in Hoover Library where you will complete an activity related to library services and resources, finding information materials, exploring the archives, or evaluating sources of information. Once you have completed all the activities, you will submit the Google Form to be entered in the raffle to win a portable, mini photo printer!


Access the virtual version at the link above, or access it below!

Swag and Chat with HooverLib
Thursday, August 19th
11am - 2pm

Visit the table outside the Hoover Library entrance once you're unpacked to meet the librarians and library staff. Find out about services and resources available through the Library, take a self-guided tour of the building, and grab some free swag!

Above: Librarians Elizabeth Davidson and Tanner Lewey welcoming students on move-in day outside the library (Fall 2019). We had Terror Bites available to adopt, a social media raffle, and Golden Tickets to promote our Open House event.

Involvement Fair
Wednesday, September 8th
4-6pm in Red Square and ANW Quad

Visit our table at the campus-wide Involvement Fair in between listening to the live music and hitting up the food trucks. We'll have all kinds of swag and goodies to give away, including giveaways to get you excited about our Open House, Jurassic Lib!

Above: Outreach & Evening Librarian Tanner Lewey greets students at the campus-wide Involvement Fair (Fall 2019). We had Terror Bites available to adopt, a social media raffle, and Golden Tickets to promote our Open House event.

NSO Fall 2020: Scooby-Doo

NSO Fall 2019: Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory

Herbie Hoover & the Chocolate Factory poster

Herbie Willy Wonka-fied

Is this source a good or bad egg?

NSO Fall 2018: Pac-Man

Library Trivia Pac-Man

Hoover Library on Move-in Day

Pac-Man Trivia Attendees

A new McDaniel student and her parents pose at a trivia stop.

Library Staff at The End.

Roxane congratulates attendees on completing the trivia activity with their choice of a full-size candy bar or bag of chips. Students also filled out a raffle entry and had the opportunity to earn more raffle entries by completing the additional self-guided tour, Find the Fruit.

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