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Government Documents: Commerce Dept.

Commerce Department Documents

C 1.108/2: Franchise Opportunities Handbook   Print
C 1.54: Bibliographies and Lists of Publications   Print
C 3.140/2: Government Employment (GE series)   Print
C 3.186/26: Projections of the Population of Voting Age, for States Biennial Print
C 3.186/7: Estimate of the Population of the United States to ...   Print
C 3.186/7-2: U.S. Population Estimates by Age, Sex, and Race, and Hispanic Origin   Print
C 3.186/7-3: U.S. Population Estimates and Components of Change Annual Print
C 3.186: Current Population Reports   Print
C 3.186:P-25/ Current Population Reports, Population Estimates and Projections, Series P-25 (numbered)   Print
C 3.186:P-26/ Current Population Reports, Federal-State Cooperative Programs for Population Estimates, Series P-26 (numbered)   Print
C 3.204/4: County Business Patterns Annual CD-ROM
C 3.215/20: American Housing Brief (AHB) from the American Housing Survey   Print
C 3.223/10: Census of Population: Population Subject Reports (Series 90-CP-3)   Print
C 3.223/12: Census of Population:  Supplementary Reports, CP-90-S1 (series)   Microform
C 3.223/16: Census of Population:  Evaluation and Research Reports, CPH-90-E (series)   Print
C 3.223/18: Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics (Series PHC-1) (Maryland)   Print
C 3.223/18: Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics (Series PHC-1) (U.S. Summary)   Print
C 3.223/22: Census of Population and Housing: Reference Reports (Series CPH-R)   Print
C 3.223/22: Census of Population and Housing: Guide Part B Glossary, CPH-R-1B   Print
C 3.223/22: Census of Population and Housing: History (Series CPH-R2)   Print
C 3.223/22: Census of Population and Housing: Alphabetical Index of Industries and Occupations (Series CPH-R3)   Print
C 3.223/22: Census of Population and Housing: Classified Index of Industries and Occupations (Series CPH-R4)   Print
C 3.223/22: Census of Population and Housing: Geographic Identification Code Scheme (Series CPH-R5)   Print
C 3.223/22-2: Census of Population and Housing: Users Guide (Series PHC 90-R)   ALL LIBRARIES   Print
C 3.223/23: Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics (Series PHC-2) (Maryland)   Print
C 3.223/25: Population Paper Listings (PPL series)   Microform
C 3.223/28: Characteristics of American Indians and Alaska Natives: by Tribe & Language (Series PHC-5) Annual Print
C 3.223/5: Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3) (Maryland)   Print
C 3.223/7-6: Census 2000 Profile (numbered)   Print
C 3.224/10: Census of Housing:  Subject Reports (Series 90-CH-3)   Print
C 3.224/12: Current Population Survey Annual CD-ROM
C 3.224/3:90-CH-1 Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Maryland)   Print
C 3.224/3:90-CH-1 Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (U.S. Summary)   Print
C 3.224/3:90-CH-2 Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Maryland)   Print
C 3.224/3:90-CH-2 Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (U.S. Summary)   Print
C 3.224/3-2: Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics for American Indian and Alaska Native Areas (Series 90-CH-1-1A)   Print
C 3.224/3-3: Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics for Metropolitan Statistical Areas (Series 90-CH-1-1B)   Print
C 3.224/3-4: Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics for Urbanized Areas (Series 90-CH-1-1C)   Print
C 3.224/3-5: Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics for American Indian and Alaska Native Areas (Series 90-CH-2-1A)   Print
C 3.224/3-6: Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics for Metropolitan Statistical Areas (Series 90-CH-2-1B)   Print
C 3.224/3-7: Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics for Urbanized Areas (Series 90-CH-2-1C)   Print
C 3.224/3-8: 1990 Housing Highlights (CH-S-nos.) (series)   Print
C 3.233: Census of Transportation: General Publications   Print
C 3.238/5: Telephone Contacts for Data Users Completely Irregular Print
C 3.24/3-52: Census of Manufactures: Geographic Area Series, Summary   Print
C 3.24/4: Census of Manufactures:  Industry Series   Print
C 3.24/9: Annual Survey of Manufactures:  Preprint Series M(AS)   Microform
C 3.253: Economic Censuses: Reference Series   Print
C 3.255/8: Census of Retail Trade:  Geographic Area - Summary   Print
C 3.255: Census of Retail Trade:  General Publications   Print
C 3.256/7: Census of Wholesale Trade:  Geographic Area - Summary   Print
C 3.256: Census of Wholesale Trade:  General Publications   Print
C 3.257/3-3: Census of Service Industries:  Preliminary Report Industry Series   Print
C 3.257/3-4: Census of Service Industries:  Industry Series   Print
C 3.257/5: Census of Service Industries:  Nonemployer Statistics Series   Print
C 3.257/6: Census of Service Industries: Geographic Area - Summary   Print
C 3.277/3: Company Statistics Series (Economic Census)   Print
C 3.277: Economic and Agriculture Censuses Completely Irregular CD-ROM
C 3.281/2: Census of Population and Housing: Special Tabulation on Aging   CD-ROM
C 3.281: Census of Population and Housing, Public Law 94-171 Data   CD-ROM
C 3.283: Census/Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Special File   CD-ROM
C 3.284: County-to-County Migration File   CD-ROM
C 3.285: Public Use Microdata Files (PUMS)   CD-ROM
C 3.286: Subject Reports   CD-ROM
C 3.292: Census of Transportation, Communications, and Utilities   Print
C 3.293: ASA/NSF/Census Bureau Research Fellow Program   Print
C 3.296: Road to the United States Census 2000 (series)   Print
C 3.299: IPC Staff Paper (series)   Microform
C 46.18: Bibliographies and Lists of Publications   Print
C 51.11/8: NTIS Products & Services Catalog   Print
C 51.11: Bibliographies and Lists of Publications   Print
C 59.28: Fixed Assets and Consumer Durable Goods in the United States   Print
C 61.15: Bibliographies and Lists of Publications   Print
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